Living a healthy, active lifestyle does mean go, go , go. So we were super excited when Alex from The Vibe Studio jumped on board for this event. To again take advantage of the beautiful views from Mt Bakewell, but also to allow everyone to take a moment from their busy lives and take a breathe without worrying about what to cook for dinner, where the kids need to be or how much cleaning there is to do.
What a morning! With a bit of a sleep in compared to the last event everyone was rugged up for the brisk morning that was our Sunrise Sound healing event.
Leaving town in a convoy we took a private track and reached the summit of Mt Bakewell around 6.30am.
Alex from The Vibe Studio was ready and waiting with hot tea for everyone to enjoy in quiet as they watched the sunrise.
Everyone's feedback suggests that this was such a beautiful time, not only to take in the sunrise, but also just to sit in peace and quiet taking in fresh, crisp air with no worries or concerns flooding their minds. Some even said it was a bit of brain training as they would never take time in their day to allow their minds to slow like that.
Once the sun had risen everyone took their spot on a mat, and Alex, armed with a number of apparatuses began one of the most beautiful and relaxing practices I have had the joy to witness.
Even as I quietly ran around taking photos and preparing breakfast my entire body felt like jelly with relaxation.
Once the practice was over and everyone arose from the comfort of their mats we served a delicious hot breakfast. No not bacon and eggs, but porridge with stewed rhubarb, honey and nuts to keep everyone’s bellies warms.
It was fantastic to see everyone mingling and enjoying some time away from their busy lives in the peace and quiet of nature.
A big thankyou goes again to John for letting us use his beautiful property, the Costa's for allowing us to use their track up Mt Bakewell, Alex from The Vibe Studio for running this amazing session, Claire from Wellness Kin for the use of her mats and rugs and Mitchell, my mum and dad for helping to prepare the area and breakfast and pack away and everyone who came along.
The aim of these sessions is not only to create beautiful, unique experiences for everyone, but to promote local businesses and opportunities and show people that just because they live regionally does not mean they have to miss out. To encourage everyone to try something new and support these businesses and you just might find something new that you love.

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